Thursday, August 03, 2006

1 Peter

Chapter 2

vs 13-14

I don't know that we have much trouble submitting ourselves to authority these days as a rule. If anything we use secular laws too much (in lawsuits against each other, for example). But it does mean obeying them even in things we don't agree with (that aren't contrary to God's law) like speed limits. I know not everyone believes that the speed limits are correctly set, for example, but you should still follow them. Thankfully, in our country you can lobby the government for them to change stuff without threats of death (usually).

vs 15

God has made this the way it works - Christians live good lives, and ignorant and foolish men are silenced. Obviously we aren't doing enough then, because there's still a hell of a lot of ignorant and foolish men I can hear!

vs 16

Yes, as Christians we have freedom in Christ. But we're not meant to use that freedom to do bad stuff to each other or to anyone or against God. We are servants of God willingly, so we should live the life we've chosen.

vs 17

Peter's three choices are interesting - God is obvious, the king he has just mentioned, but right up there with these is the family of believers. Very much an echo of Galatians 6:10 (even though Paul wrote that).

vs 18

This is a hard lesson. Of course, we don't have slavery anymore, no matter how hard our politicians try and enforce it with draconian workplace agreement laws. So for us this verse doesn't mean if you're in a bad situation stick to it no matter what (which is what a slave had to do anyway). It means don't let your witness be compromised by idiots. your witness is more important than your work - so if you don't think you can act in a Christian attitude towards your boss because he's a bastard, then thinking about leaving the job is a reasonable option. Of course, praying to God for the strength of his spirit is another option.

vs 19

This is why we are to do good even when being treated badly - because it is commendable. People will notice it eventually. But it's only because of your realisation that God exists and your desire to serve him that it is commendable.

vs 20

Christians shouldn't be beaten for doing wrong. They might be beaten under the pretence of doing wrong, but really because of an intolerance of their Christianity. If you do something wrong, you do deserve the punishment. But if you are punished for your acknolwedgement of Christ, then you're commended.

vs 21

And we do it this way because it's how Christ did it. Now about here I guess I should say that, unlike Jesus, we probably shouldn't go around seeking out beatings and punishment for doing good. But if we're really doing good and it's so noticeable that people are getting edgy about it, then they'll react with punishment. This is how it worked in the early church, before people started flinging themselves at the Romans saying "Martyr me, please!".

vs 22

Another Isaiah quote, showing Peter using the OT to prove stuff about Jesus.

vs 23

We will not be judged justly down here, because it's a fallen world. But we will be judged justly in heaven. And since that's where we are to spend eternity, since that is our nation, probably better to seek justice there.

vs 24

All this is paraphrasing of Isaiah. Makes me feel better for paraphrasing the Bible in my preaching. But notice that Peter doesn't say Christ died for us so that we might go to heaven - he died for us so that we might live for righteousness. There is an expectation of us. Not necessary for salvation, but it was one of the things God planned for out of this sacrifice. This shouldn't make us feel guilty, by the way - just because Christ died for this purpose doesn't mean that we should try to make it happen, self-fufilling-prophecy style. This should be an encouragement for us, because it means the power of the cross, which is the power to save us, is also the same power which is designed to help us live lives of righteousness. Hooray!

vs 25

Once we were astray, but now we've come back. I don't think this verse means that the Asian church apostasised and then they've come back to Christ. I think it only means that as non-Christians we are astray from God.

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