Sunday, January 07, 2007

John Chapter 4

vs 31

The disciples are regularly telling Jesus to do things, but out of love of course.

vs 32

And Jesus was always making enigmatic statements to them, that they would regularly get confused at.

vs 33

Like this time. They think Jesus is talking about food someone snuck to him while he was away.

vs 34

Jesus explains, saying that doing the work of the father sustains him in a way food never could.

vs 35

And now he is sharing with them that the same sustenance can be for them too. Just as we look to fields to provide food for us, and know when they will be ripe, so Jesus is saying that, for our own sustenance in doing the work of the father, the fields of spiritual harvest are ripe.

vs 36

Even now, people are being reaped for the kingdom. The Samaritan woman is probably one of the most recent. And more are seeking.

vs 37

This is a great saying, one that we really need to learn as Christians. See, everyone wants to reap - everyone wants to be the person that "led that person to Christ". But the reaper can't reap without sowers - those people out there planting the seed of Christianity into people's lives. We all need to do that. And then both will be glad.

vs 38

The disciples are in a unique position, one that probably will never be repeated in quite the same way. God had set up Israel and many non-Jewish God fearers to expect a coming Messiah. He had planted the seed in them through the OT. The disciples could now just go around and reap of all the people who had that seed planted in them - reaping from what they did not sow.

vs 39

There is even a reaping among the Samaritans. And it came from the testimony of just one woman. That shows you just how much sowing God had done through the years. People were ready. Times will never be like that again.

vs 40

Jesus stayed 2 days with the Samaritans. Most Jews would have been totally freaked that he'd even accept any sort of invitation or hospitality from them. But there you go. The lesson he's teaching from all this is what he said to the woman in the first place - that there is a time coming, and that has come, where people will worship in spirit and in truth - not at temples or mountains.

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