Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Luke chapter 14

vs 12

Jesus has more to say, though, and this time he aims his comments at the host of the meal.

When Jesus says "Don't invite friends or family" he is using hyperbole. I certainly don't think Jesus was saying "I am the Lord your God - I command that thou shalt not feed friends nor family"!

What he's saying is that if you do that, they're likely to repay the favour some time, and then you're square. What have you gained? Only what you put in.

vs 13

This guest list doesn't look quite so high-brow, or even as comfortable and fun as the other one. Why would you invite these losers to your feast?

vs 14

You do it because you will be blessed! And even if the host isn't focussed on a reward of blessing and righteousness at the resurrection, that certainly seems to be where Jesus' focus is. Focusing on eternal and spiritual rewards over temporal and relational awards.

vs 15

It's funny how people come out with these little gems in the presence of Jesus. Luke seems to pick up on them particularly. It's almost like people want to say something smart in front of Jesus, and have it ratified by him as a holy one of God. This person says something which, I think, most people would agree with. If you're eating at the feast in the Kingdom, you're pretty blessed.

vs 16

And notice that Jesus doesn't just say something else - that his words aren't just a collected series of statements about feasting. This is in reply to that comment, or that idea, and building up on the previous point made at this same dinner.

Who was it? Doesn't matter. Big meal, lots of people.

vs 17

As you do. Remember - no TV, no sitcoms, no WoW, so a feast was a big deal, and you'd want to hear about it when it's ready. You'd put heaps of effort into setting it up, and then your servants would go out at just the right time to get people to come and eat. And when they're told, you'd expect them to drop whatever they're doing (which could be done at any time) and come eat, which can only be done now.

vs 18

I mean, come on! Is the field going to be that different after the feast?

vs 19

It's just a yoke of oxen! This is the ANE equivalent of "I just bought a new ride-on mower, and I'd rather take it for a spin than come to dinner.

vs 20

Now in our culture, we'd probably say "Ahh, so they're on their honeymoon or something, so that's fair enough". But even then, we don't give people a super wide berth just because they're married, and in the ANE, even less so. Marriage was just a fact of life - and so it's just as much an excuse as "I have a new field" or "I have a new ride-on mower".

vs 21

The food is already there. It's paid for. It's laid out. It's ready to eat. You can't get a refund. And yet all the people you wanted to party with have made up lame excuses! No wonder the guy is angry! So, rather than see it wasted, he gets his servants to go out and get whoever will actually come. Remember, this whole story is in the context of the comment "Blessed is the man who will eat at the feast in the kingdom of God".

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