Thursday, February 14, 2008

Acts chapter 23

vs 1

Paul, now standing in front of the assembly of religious leaders that the centurion commander has drummed up, makes this statement about his actions. Paul lived by his conscience. It apparently told him both to kill Christians, and then to live as one. His point is not that he is perfect, only that he desires to serve God.

vs 2

Wouldn't even do it himself, the big girl's blouse. Imagine ordering someone to hit someone else in the mouth. So wrong. And this still while Paul is officially in the custody of Rome.

vs 3

Paul responds in a 'loving way' by calling the priests hypocrites and questioning their right to judge anyone.

vs 4

You mean the same high priest who ordered he cop a blow to the face for saying that he serves God in good conscience? It is difficult to have respect for foolish hypocrites that want to do you harm.

vs 5

Paul retracts his statement, though, on the basis of his respect for God's word. This also shows that Paul isn't quite up to speed on the leadership quarrels of the temple of Jerusalem.

vs 6

This is a shrewd political move - because the leadership is split on this issue of the resurrection, between Saduccees and Pharisees, he knows he can bring up a division if he makes such a statement.

vs 7

And it worked.

vs 8

Luke gives us gentiles a quick wrapup on how Paul managed this. Just one more marker about the wide nature of the audience for this book.

vs 9

And so out comes disputable argument number two. Paul just sits back and lets all this happen for the moment. It gives him a reprieve, shows the commander what he's got to deal with, and also instantly gives him a few voices of support amongst his rivals.

vs 10

So even in arguing amongst themselves, the sanhedrin were going to tear Paul to bits! And Paul is virtually innocent of everything - his opponents can't even agree with each other! Paul is once again taken into 'protective custody'.

vs 11

God here makes it clear to Paul what he has to do. He might seem stubborn in the future passages, but Paul has a clear and distinct message which he has to take to Rome. That is God's command to him.

vs 12

Smart move? I think not.If you think someone's trying to kill you, just look for the person panting for water who's lost a lot of weight and is too weak to do much. Shows they were serious though.

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