Thursday, August 28, 2008

Romans chapter 16

This is one long final greeting!

vs 1

Ahh, the TNIV - breaking rules all over the shop! It's the only translation I read that translates the word diakonos as deacon in this instance. How irresponsible!

vs 2

Phoebe is apparently travelling around and may come to Rome. Exactly what I would expect of some sort of servant. Just as long as they help her as much as if she were a deacon, I guess.

vs 3

Oh dear, another faux pas! Why did you put this woman before her husband, Paul? Bad form!

Priscilla and Aquilla, the rhyming pair, are mentioned pretty often. Apparently they are either currently at Rome, or will cycle through at some stage.

vs 4

They must do a lot of work. That's a pretty cool thing to have written of you. I wonder if the risking life for Paul was riding through a ring of fire or something else equally exciting?

vs 5

Priscilla and Aquilla have churches in every house they have. Not surprising we hear as much as we do.

Epenetus must have migrated to Rome. It's so interesting reading about the very first convert from Asia. Imagine how many "first converts from" there have been.

vs 6

Is this one of the famous Marys? Who knows. But she works hard regardless. Yes, that's another woman. You could almost be forgiven for thinking that the Roman church was somewhat cosmopolitan.

vs 7

Is Apostle here being used in the sense of "one who followed Christ when he was still walking around?" It seems to fit the bill. Paul does his shout out to his Jewish compadres. I guess it makes sense that a lot of the people Paul would have met over his travels would end up at least for some time in Rome. Big cities do that.

vs 8

Ampilatus was blessed with a name that sounds like the removal of limbs.

vs 9

You could be forgiven for thinking that Paul had met pretty much everyone in the Roman church one by one given the length of his greetings. Still, he is only greeting those whom he has a special word for it seems - as dear friends or co-workers etc.

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