Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Hebrews chapter 10

vs 11

Stop me if you've heard this one. Seriously, talk about repetition. Important point, obviously.

vs 12

It's just a different level of awesome - those priests do it every day and nothing happens. He does it once, and bam! Right hand of God.

vs 13

And we wait for this too. In fact, we probably wait in a more real sense than he does, what with God being atemporal and all.

vs 14

Now if that doesn't just totally stomp on your brain, I don't know what will. We are perfect, but we are being made holy? You'd sort of expect it to be the other way around. But no. So we are in fact perfect - assuming that is as a status. But we are being made holy, different, becoming set apart.


vs 15

One quite interesting thing here is that the Holy Spirit is given the glory for this passage. So this is pointing out that the OT was inspired by the same Holy Spirit that we would say inspired the authors of the NT.

vs 16

The new covenant, through which we are perfect and by which we are being made holy, does so, I suppose, by writing the law on our hearts and minds. Internalising the Law of God somehow makes us better than following external ritual.

vs 17

Forgiveness comes to, and that for things that we have done against this same law.

vs 18

And now we see why that is important - forgiveness is more powerful than sacrifice. Or should I say that the most powerful sacrifice only needs to be made once.

vs 19

The powerful sacrifice is what lets us enter where no-one was confident to enter.

vs 20

Now this could get complicated. But let's just say that it's a metaphor where we enter through the body Jesus sacrificed, rather than some weird culty thing.

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