Thursday, January 01, 2009


It's new year's day, I'm tired, and I've finished Hebrews. I have sermons to write. So forgive me if I don't comment on anything today. Not that anyone reads this.

I just looked back at my first post (first Bible study post anyway). That was on 31 July 2006. Since then, I've looked at almost every NT book (except Matthew, Mark and Revelation), 20 psalms, Ruth, Malachi and the topic of work.

Okay, so it's now 1 January 2009, so that might seem slow. But the point is I've done it. True, not every single day. But it has helped me to keep on track and read the Bible meaningfully. I mean, just say I'd read the Bible in a year, or two years, or even three years (I'm only 7 months away from 3 years), would I be in a better position of understanding then than I am now? Would I have as useful a resource (questionably useful maybe, but for me it's probably more useful than for you, because they're my thoughts)?

Once again, I thumb my nose at The Man. I'm keeping it real.

1 comment:

Nina May said...

You're totally keeping it real. You're very... real.

I'm sorry I haven't been keeping up with reading every day. I got off track and the idea of catching up is daunting, even though I know I don't actually have to do that. I like your commentary. I'm planning to try to be more regular this year, now that my routine and everything is more familiar and settled. It's not at the level of a resolution, which is good, because that means I might actually keep it. We'll see how it goes.

Happy New Coscul from your reading public here in Chicago.