Friday, September 10, 2010

Ezekiel chapter 26

vs 1

So here we begin what turns out to be quite a long tirade over a few chapters about Tyre, which I guess shows just how important a single city state can be. So we get a new date, and a new message from God, this one about Tyre.

vs 2

It would seem that Tyre was in competition with Jerusalem. Jerusalem apparently was the gateway to the nations, which is a pretty good place to be if you want trade. Now Tyre is hoping to open a new gate.

vs 3

Having God against you is not quite the enviable position you might think it is, trade or no trade.

vs 4

Basically, destroy the city.

vs 5

I think talking about the oceans overtaking the city is more poetic than reality - the idea being not that it will sink into the ocean, but that rather it will be wiped out as if it were.

vs 6

So God judges both the island city and the mainland city - because Tyre had both.

vs 7

See, while God has the huge army at his disposal to spank Jerusalem, he may as well do some other judging too.

vs 8

Doesn't sound good at all.

vs 9

Ditto above. Nice to get these pictures of ancient warfare. Less nice to be a picture of ancient warfare.

vs 10

So Tyre might have big walls and defences, but God won't let them stand.

vs 11

Mayhem and destruction - similar to what Jerusalem is going to suffer, really. Were you so keen to be that much like Jerusalem, Tyre, that you also inherited her downfall? Sucks to be you.

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