Monday, November 07, 2011

Mark 14

Stupid exam prep distracting me!

vs 25

"Drink it new" would be a great advertising slogan for communion wine. I assume this is a way for Jesus to tell them that he's not going to be alive much longer - rather than him suggesting he's going to take a lengthy vow of wowserism.

vs 26

They sung a hymn. It's an unnecessary little addition, but it just adds so much flavour to the story.

vs 27

How lovely for them to hear that. I suppose Jesus wants them to be ready for it, to know it's not the end when they do.

vs 28

Again, another reminder of what they should expect - although honestly, how you expect anyone to remember what you said after they say, "You're going to become a traitor."

vs 29

Yeah, Peter, as lovely a sentiment as it is, haven't you learned your lesson about arguing with Jesus yet? This is what faith looks like without brains.

vs 30

I wonder what's more painful, Peter hearing this, or Jesus already knowing it.

vs 31

Note Peter wasn't alone - I just pick on him because he gets named. But they all said the same thing. Judas, of course, knew he was lying. But the rest of them probably honestly believed it. And Jesus stood there, looking at them, knowing it wasn't true. Painful.

vs 32

Jesus prays a lot. It's funny, reading the gospels, I more and more really feel in touch with Jesus's human side. And the more I get to know the Old Testament, the more I think that Jesus really could have come to so many of the conclusions he did basically by just knowing the OT and reading it a certain way. Apart from the miracles, and the occasional voice from heaven, it's possible that Jesus never heard any more from God than we do. I'm not 100% sold on the idea, but it's certainly a sobering thought.

vs 33

Because he knows it's not long now. This is actually a terrible thing he's facing, and he doesn't face it with a British stiff upper lip. Sure, he still follows the path of the martyr, and he does it bravely after a fashion... but this is part of his preparation, this grief.

vs 34

He just wants to let it all out, and he wants his friends there as support.

vs 35

Jesus wanted an out. How many times have you known there is something you need to do for God, and thought, "I really don't want to do this"? I know I've run across it from time to time, although it never involved being killed. Jesus wants to know there is no other way.

vs 36

What a prayer to hear. It is obedient, but strained and awful. I swear, to think God loves us after having to chalk that prayer up on the "My will is different" board... an angry, spiteful, smaller minded God would have just killed all humanity for making him suffer so much.

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