Monday, June 15, 2015

Prayer 14/06/15 Your Will Be Done

Heavenly Father,

We know that you have a plan.  You know what tomorrow holds, what this year holds, what this decade holds, what this century holds, and what eternity holds.  We can't know for certain what the weather will be like next week, but we know for sure that you have a plan for all time.  Thank you for being in control, and caring so much about the future of your world that you not only desire for it to be a certain way, but you have a plan to make it that way.

You don't keep your plan hidden from us either.  We thank you that we can open the Bible and read your words to us through the Prophets, through the Apostles, and through Christ himself, telling us and explaining to us your plan for the world.  You made this world, and you made us in it, and you called it very good.  Even when we broke away from you in sin, you promised Adam and Eve that you would bring their children back into your fold.  After the Flood, you promised Noah that you would never again destroy the whole world by flooding.  You promised Abraham that you would make his people numerous, and that his name would be a blessing to all people.  You promised your people Israel that you would be their God, and that you would love them, protect them, and discipline them.  You never failed them, even when they failed you.  You promised them a messiah who would come and bring with him your kingdom.

And Father, you keep to your plan.  You sent your son Jesus to seek and save the lost.  He died on a cross to bring us back into relationship with you, overcoming the power of sin.  You raised him from the dead to prove it.  You spread your good news throughout the world, so that billions could hear it, and respond to it, and become your children.  You promise to be with us, and you have given us your Spirit, who lives in us and transforms us.  
We can look around this world, and see so many things that bring us heartbreak and sadness.  Death and oppression at the hands of bloodthirsty militants and power-hungry dictators. Sickness and suffering from lack of healthcare, lack of food and clean water, lack of sanitation, and diseases we simply can't cure.  Misery and sadness from lives spent trying to grasp a phantom promise of success and fulfillment through wealth, hard work and security.  Our world is broken by sin, our society is broken by sin, our lives are broken by sin.  In these situations, it can be hard for us to think that your plan is unfolding.  When we see suffering, it can be hard for us to think that it might be part of your plan.  But give us faith, Father, to know your will, and to see it in the world that surrounds us.

Lord God, you have given us a part in your plan.  You give us good works to do. We thank you for opportunities like HAWK, the trivia night, and the newcomers lunch, where we can serve you and take part in your plan. You call us to feed the hungry, to stand up for the oppressed, to minister to the sick, to mourn with the mourning, and to preach your truth and your plan and point out the lies that the world tells us that separate people from you.  Give us big hearts, so we can care for this world and its people with the love that you give us. We pray for those who are sick, who are suffering, who are oppressed, who are mourning: for those in our congregation, for those in your global church, and for those outside your family. We ask that even in their suffering and difficulties, your plan will unfold. We pray that you will guide us to work to further your plan, by sharing what you give us - your love, your blessings, your wealth and your closeness - with those in need. 

Your plan is to bring us through the end of this world, and into your eternal kingdom, where we can be with you and Christ and the Spirit forever. We look forward to that day. We can't wait to see you face to face, to see your perfect plan complete, and to celebrate with you. We pray that in expectation of that great day. In Jesus' name and by his authority we pray, amen.

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