Yes, this isn't a normal post. But without Shadowfist I would be a whole lot less sane, and without GenCon Oz the world would be that much less awesome. So here's some crappy photos I took (subject matter is great - quality terrible).

So here is the swag that was up for grabs for the Shadowfist Final Brawl at GenCon Oz. Ignoring peripheral things on table, you've got a Kinoshita House of Pancakes, a box of Critical Shift, a Ghost in the Shell DVD, a Can of Whupass, and then at the back, the glorious Sword of the Master.
And then some more photos of the Sword of the Master. Because it deserves them.
For those interested, you will see my wife's card box on the right, which she lovingly crafted to have Auspicious Termites coat the lid. My souless green lunchbox lies below.

The table layout from the side, as Brad draws up the first round matchups. Here also is some wicked throwing down in progress.

Yes, there were other games at GenCon Oz too - here's a photo taken in the 4th ed preview I played in. 4th ed felt that the only way to move forward was to borrow a concept from Feng Shui, and to bring in mooks (they call them 'minions', but they're not fooling anyone).
Next to that is us playing in Kevin Powe's quite awesome "Empty Chambers, Spent Shells". Three thumbs up for Kevin on this game.

Penny won the "Who Wants Some" duelling event (by one game!) and so was awarded a box of Shurikens and Six Guns, as well as a Public Enemy no.1. She likes this photo. And there's me with my second prize for duelling, the truly sweet Silver Band shirt.

And there finally are the photos of me looking like a total tool, but holding the prizes I won for becoming Brisbane's Shadowfist Multiplayer Champion 2008. Until I saw the sword, the number 1 prize for me was Kinoshita House of Pancakes. And I am still very happy with it - no doubt it will be in every tournament deck I play with.
Since I had just recently opened a box of Critical Shift with Penny, I decided to sell the box to Randall for $50, because it is so hard to get cards in Australia, and it was his birthday after all. I did make him promise to trade me for any "The Blind" he drew - but he got none. He did get two La Grange Four - lucky him!
Anyway, now that the photo shoot's over, here's some people pretending to be Jedi.
Without doubt a truly great time. Thanks to you and all of the Sydney guys for helping make it such a great event, even if you did sweep in and steal all our prizes from under us.
Let's hope there's plenty more events just like it.
Perhaps next time Sydney should host a championship and supply the prizes, and you Brisbanites can come swooping down from the north like a mongol horde and snatch them from us!
Sounds fair to me.
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