Our almighty God,
We come today to gather in celebration
as your people, the people of your promise, that you have kept since
the days of Abraham. You remain faithful to us, and continue to bless
us richly with so many good things. Today we look all around us and
are reminded that you have provided us with a new church! It is such
an exciting and fantastic day, the first day back in our building,
but new and extended and refurbished. It is a testament to your
ongoing love and blessing to us as a congregation, and to your church
here in Waitara. We thank you for all the hard work put in by so many
people - by donors, builders, volunteers, pray-ers, and by the
leadership in making this a reality. Help us to appreciate this great
gift as a blessing not only to our church, but to the community, and
we pray that you will help us see it used to bring them blessing, and
to glorify your name here in Waitara, and across the world. We also
thank you for the public school that allowed us to meet there, and we
pray that you will continue to bless their work in educating kids,
and our work there, and we ask you would give us a continuing good
relationship with the school after this time.
We are also reminded, as we celebrate
Christmas with each other and with our families and friends, that you
have given us the incredible blessing of your Son, born as a human,
to walk the footsteps of a human life, to feel what we feel, suffer
pains that we suffer, and face the temptations of sin that we face.
We thank you that, as we learned in Hebrews in the last few weeks, we
have a high priest that knows our sorrows, and can empathise with us,
and be an example for us of how we can live for you. We thank you for
this incredible gift of God with us. Help us to look to Christ to see
not only our salvation, but our example, and to also be ambassadors
for you, to walk in the footsteps of others, and empathise with them
in their troubles, and bring them comfort.
We thank you, Lord and Father, for
taking us into your family. Just as Jesus was born as a human and
adopted by Joseph, you have adopted us into your heavenly family, and
we can call Jesus our brother, and you our Father. Help us to
remember this Christmas, as we enjoy times with our own families, not
only that we are all accepted into your family, but to remember those
for whom you might be the only family they have... or for those that
do not even have you as their father. Help us to reach out in warm
fellowship to all who we can this Christmas, to offer to them the
familial love that Christianity is all about, to call them our
brothers and sisters, just as you call us your sons and daughters. We
think of those people now, for whom Christmas might be tarnished by
stresses brought on by lack of family or friends, lacking health, or
other losses and grievances. We take a moment to silently pray for
them now, as we think of them.
Blessings upon your name, Lord, for
your greatness and your holiness, and for your love shown to us at
this time, in all these ways, and in so many more.
By your authority and that of Jesus we
pray, Amen.
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