Saturday, February 17, 2007

John chapter 11

vs 51

What an interesting thing to prophesy! The text doesn't seem to suggest that he made it up himself, but he obviously interpreted it in the sense of Pharisees and religious leaders being the best, and Jesus just being someone expendable.

vs 52

There was definitely a divide between the Jews of Jerusalem and the diaspora Jews. The idea was that Jesus was going to be a uniting force, not just a saving force.

vs 53

Now here's the thing - even if God sends you a prophecy that someone, through their death, is going to accomplish something good, that doesn't mean you kill them. You are still culpable for your actions - God just does his thing through the actions of the sinful.

vs 54

Jesus was fully aware that there were people plotting to take his life. He takes some immediate action, but it doesn't turn him off his final purpose. He goes bush for the moment though, because he still has things he needs to teach his disciples.

vs 55

John is the only person to mention several passovers. I've lost count of which one we're up to here. But sufficed to say that they are obviously important points in the calendar, and so John marks them. Jesus doesn't ignore any of them either.

vs 56

Of course, people are expecting him to make an appearance. He made one at the last festival, and so now the people are looking for him. He's a bit of a fixture, his name's really gotten about.

vs 57

The Pharisees and chief priests weren't making it easy though. But Jesus is the man, he'll find a way.

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