Monday, February 05, 2007

John chapter 9

vs 21

Fair enough, because they weren't there, so they weren't witnesses to his healing. They can say what he is saying, but their only proof is that their son can see, and that he is saying it.

vs 22-23

However, as you can see there was a bit of scare tactics going on on the part of the Pharisees. Remember, synagogue wasn't just for Saturday best - it was a hub of social activity, and getting kicked out of it meant no longer hearing from the word of God, but also not being in the social circle. Who wanted that?

Now this doesn't mean that they necessarily believed that Jesus was the Christ - it just means that if they repeated what their son was saying, they were afraid they'd be out of the synagogue.

vs 24

They obviously sent him away, because they now call him back, and this time they want him to admit that Jesus is a sinner and that it was God who directly, without Jesus, healed him.

vs 25

The blind man (we don't even know his name!) just states the truth. Now remember, when he was blind, did the Pharisees come and look after him? Did the Jewish society treat him like a full member, or perhaps a member with special needs? Or did they let him sit at the gate of the town and beg?

So now that he can see, and the Pharisees are trying to grill him, who does he care more about? Them, who can try to ostracise him when they already did, or Jesus, who came and healed him when he was a nobody?

vs 26

They want exact answers, because they are looking for ways to trap Jesus. They want to know about his use of dirty spit and dirt, they want to know about him healing of the Sabbath. They want to know if he summoned any demons. Come on, give them something to work with blind guy!

vs 27

Now, you might think that the blind guy is saying this with full sincerity, but since he started with "You're not listening" and they have already convicted Jesus as a sinner, I'm pretty sure he is using some of that sarcastic wit that God gave him.

vs 28

Oh, Moses! Huzzah! That sinful murderer who tried to get away from doing God's will and ended up never entering the Promised Land! Lucky you!

vs 29

The Pharisees are basically showing their ignorance. They have argued this out amongst themselves, but obviously the majority (or at least the vocal ones) are convinced that Jesus can't be of God because he's not following the rules of the Pharisees.

vs 30

And it is remarkable that the religious leaders don't know where someone who is doing miracles has come from. But it takes an ex-blind man to have the balls to say it to their face. Remember when Jesus said this guy would show God in his life? Look at him go!

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