Friday, March 09, 2007

John Chapter 17

vs 10

Jesus here is talking particularly about the disciples, and how if they belong to Jesus, they also belong to God. He is also thankful to God for them, because even though they're a bunch of stumbling fools sometimes, they are still bringing glory to him.

vs 11

Jesus knows that for these guys, the suffering has only begun. And he's not going to be with them to work his magic and stop people from stoning them all the time. Of course, the disciples know this too, and are probably fearful, and as I said before, this prayer is as much for their sake is it is for Jesus talking to God. So now they know, through Jesus' words, that they will be protected. But notice the reason. It's not just so that they feel special, or so they never suffer. Those things are going to happen. No, it is to give them unity as a group. So they don't split up like a band that's had a falling out over a girl.

vs 12

I'm sure they were at least a little bit aware of the protection that Jesus had given them. Notice that twice now Jesus has linked this protection to the authority that God has given him.

Judas is, of course, the natural exception. Doomed to destruction. Painful.

vs 13

Jesus is leaving, but he doesn't want to leave the disciples with nothing. He wants them to be full of joy, and part of that will be knowing that all of Jesus' authority was from God, that he is united with the Father, and that they will receive his protection even after he is gone.

vs 14

And there is another encouraging statement - not only are they not of the world, but they share this status with Jesus. So the world may hate them, but as Jesus said, it only hates them because it hated him first.

vs 15

They are in the world, but they are not of the world. The world hates them, and sometimes it would be more comfortable to be protected from the world by being removed from it. A sort of respite care from the world. Jesus doesn't want that, though. He wants them to be in the world, continuing to be not of the world, so that they are witnesses to him, and continue bringing glory to him. And for that, they will need protection against the evil one.

vs 16

Restatement simply taken care of in one verse.

vs 17

A new point now - as they are apart from the world, make them apart from the world for a sacred use. And how are they to be set apart for a holy use by God? through the truth. And truth is God's word. Interesting, isn't it, that the disciples are set apart, and they are set apart to be used by God for holy purposes, and they are prepared for such by the truth. The truth of God's word prepares us for use by him. Interesting.

vs 18

Jesus was similarly sent (of course being the Son of God makes this a little different). And now, with their preparation, so the disciples are sent into the world.

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