Monday, March 19, 2007

John chapter 20

vs 1

I think the other gospels tell us that the body hadn't been completely prepared before burial, so we can assume that's why Mary was going to the tomb. John doesn't give her a motivation. John also, interestingly, doesn't tell us a stone was rolled in front of the tomb, only that it's rolled away. No mention of soldiers or anything.

vs 2

Her first response is to run to the two nearest disciples, Peter and the other one (John). In fact, as you read, you find that (at least in my opinion) John is being very short with words here, as we only now find that Jesus isn't in the tomb.

vs 3-4

John's a bit of a sprinter it seems. Obviously both think this is something important enough that it warrants doing more than a light jog.

vs 5

John got there first, but he didn't go in - he just looked inside to see what was going on - and sure enough, there was no body. The wierd thing is that the strips of linen used to wrap the body are still there. I mean, if you're going to steal the body, would you leave the linen there? Would you unwrap a corpse first? Ewww.

vs 6-7

Peter, good old unstable quick to jump Peter dives into the tomb, does a commando roll, and finds out the same thing that John finds. Interestingly, even the cloth that wrapped Jesus' head was neatly folded. If you were going corpse stealing, surely you wouldn't neatly fold the cloth?

vs 8

What does John believe? I think just that the body isn't there, at this point.

vs 9

Because it seems that still, at this point, they don't understand that Jesus must resurrect. So what did happen? I guess they assume that some bunch of extremely strong people moved the stone, and stole the body, and neatly folded its garments for some reason.

vs 10

So they go home. What else can they do, I guess? They can't put Jesus back in the tomb, they don't know where he is.

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