Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Luke chapter 19

vs 11

Luke does it again! God bless editorial comment. So this parable to come, then, is for people who thought the Kingdom of God was going to come all at once. I think some people still hold this view, but warped a little differently by 2000 years of waiting.

vs 12

As you do. I mean, this is a regular experience for us all, right?

vs 13

Why did he do this? I don't know. Because he had a crap load of money? He felt like making his servants work harder? He didn't trust his corrupt manager? It's a story, it doesn't matter.

vs 14

What's this verse here for? I don't get it. I guess it shows that the guy is not a nice guy. He's a hard guy, who people don't like. Sets up context about the rich guy.

vs 15

There's no time period put here. He could have been away for some years. Who knows. But eventually he returns.

vs 16

Far out! How many investments do that? 10 to one is a huge amount! I wish I had that guy working for me!

vs 17

And rightly so, If this guy can turn 1 mina into 10, then he should be looking after 10 cities.

vs 18

This is still awesome. I challenge you to find anywhere you can invest money and make 5 times as much, even within 10 years.

vs 19

No wonder this guy got crowned king even without his subjects liking him - he's got a Rothschild and a Branson working for him! And now he's got them running 5 whole cities. He'll be king of the world in no time.

vs 20

So this guy hid the mina. Which doesn't sound so bad, until you consider the boss might have been gone for 10 years, in which case it has probably depreciated considerably (I'm not sure what inflation was like back then - probably not so bad as now). In any case, it has been basically worthless, sitting somewhere out of the way.

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