Saturday, August 25, 2007

Luke chapter 19

vs 31

I have considered using this sentence so many times. But truly, I don't think I've ever needed something that God hasn't already given me to do his work. It would be a hella different world if Christians did this more often - you'd be scared to invite missionaries over to your house, wouldn't you? Perhaps not if we gave more money to them.

vs 32

Not surprising, really. You think they'd be used to this by now. In fact, after reading so many gospels, you get used to it as the reader. "Yes yes, Jesus is super cool, let's move on, I'm more interested in what he has to say now!"

vs 33-34

It wouldn't be fair for this not to happen, after Jesus had told them what to do if it did happen.

vs 35

I guess they didn't steal a saddle for it. Cloaks will do.

vs 36

Now Jesus might be used to having people do stuff like putting their cloaks on a donkey for him to ride, but how many donkeys are used to having cloaks to walk on? It's not the kind of thing you do for just anyone, is it? Obviously people are making a big deal about the coming of Jesus.

vs 37-38

Notice something very important about this verse, if you haven't read it before. It is the disciples who are doing this. The people who followed Jesus. Not just the 12, obviously. There was a bit more of a crowd than that. But they are doing it because of all the miracles they had seen. They even call him king in their calls. Now there may have been some passers by caught up in this, but according to Luke, this was a stage set by the disciples.

vs 39

I mean, they were causing a ruccus, they were clogging up the road with cloaks, and they were calling him king! Come on Jesus, this isn't on. Of course, if Jesus were to call them off, then he would be saying that he does not deserve this sort of welcome into Jerusalem.

vs 40

But he does deserve it. In fact, he deserves it so much that if the disciples didn't sing it, the stones would! And if the Pharisees threw their cloaks over the stones to stop them, the angels would sing! This is the most important person ever to walk into the city, at the most important time, who is about to do the most important thing in the history of humanity... someone's got to sing about it.

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