Saturday, October 20, 2007

Colossians chapter 1

vs 1

Paul and Timothy are at it again, this time writing this very well known book.

vs 2 the Colossians!

vs 3

It's interesting thinking of God in relation to Christ, rather than thinking of Christ in relation to God. But this book is so Christ-centred, that it shouldn't be suprising.

vs 4

Getting rid of the word "saints" is an interesting choice in the TNIV. What does it mean, really, beyond 'people of God'? And isn't it just a confusing word to people from western societies who think saints are like 'Saint Francis of Asissi'?

What a great thing to be thankful for. Just think how crappy your church could be if it did not have these two things.

vs 5

These things don't just come because the people in church are nice people. They come from a hope which is created by the gospel. Note that it's the true word of the gospel, not the Bible. The gospel is a message contained within the Bible, though.

vs 6

P&T let the Colossians know that what has happened there has been multiplied around the world. Which is really exciting and encouraging news. P&T do seem a little repetitive here, but I guess they are stressing that the numerical growth around the world is paralleled by the spiritual growth of the Colossians.

vs 7

So the church in Colossae was planted by Epaphras, not P&T. Interesting. But he does seem to be linked to P&T somehow.

vs 8

He also seems to travel to and fro between P&T, perhaps bringing the information which sparked this letter.

vs 9

Very similar to Paul's prayer for the Ephesians - asking for wisdom and understanding. Perhaps Paul opens his letters with this prayer in the hope that the reading church will accept them as such.

vs 10

P&T want the Colossians to have this wisdom and understanding not just for the sake of it, but because they believed that increasing wisdom increases how upstandingly you live your life, and also your relationship with God (remember that 'knowledge of God' is not just about knowing about God, it is about knowing God).

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