Monday, October 15, 2007

Ephesians chapter 6

vs 13

When is the day of evil? Is it the same as the day of the Lord? Or is it another time? Earlier, Paul said the days themselves were evil, so I am assuming this is an ongoing thing.

The purpose of this armour, overall, is to stand firm in Christ. That's worth remembering.

vs 14-17
There isn't a whole lot I can say about this list. I could do the typical sermon thing and explain why truth holds your pants up and righteousness is armour. I'm not sure how valid this is. Some make more sense than others. What I do know is true is that all of these things are of value to the Christian life, and useful in spiritual warfare. Truth, righteousness, readiness, faith, salvation and the Word of God (which I generally read as the gospel). Not what we would seek to fight a battle with, but I guess spiritual warfare is not what we would expect either.

vs 18

Prayer is another vital part of this mission. Not just prayer for yourself, but prayer for all of God's people. 'Be alert' may as well say 'keep informed about what the rest of the church is doing' so that you can pray for them.

vs 19

Paul in particular wants prayer for words. I think sometimes I just assume the words I am using are right - rather than relying on God to provide them like he provides everything else.

vs 20

Paul does not even think that his fearlessness comes from himself, but indeed he also wants prayer that he can continue in that frame of mind.

vs 21

And what a loss to us not to have his words. But it does show that, though what we have is valuable, the 1st century church did have access to word of mouth information that we don't.

vs 22

I assume he was carrying this letter. Introducing the letter bearer is a not uncommon thing in the ancient world.

vs 23

The TNIV adds sisters. Which makes me realise just how much I value functionally equivalent translations.

vs 24

Let's hope we all do.

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