Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Acts chapter 7

vs 1

This is the beginning of a very long answer. Hold onto your hats.

vs 2

Let's go all the way back to Abraham. This tradition still holds today, with people going back to the Abrahamic covenant.

vs 3

Abraham had to leave, and go to a new land.

vs 4

Abraham didn't get to live in the land immediately. He had to wait until Terah died (Awww).

vs 5

Abraham didn't have any land at the moment - he was a stranger. He was there only because of a promise God had made him, that his children would inherit the land. And he didn't even have them!

vs 6-7

We often forget that God told Abraham this. The Israelites should have known it was going to happen. But they still went to Egypt. It was God's will, or something.

vs 8

What do we know so far? That God is faithful, and that he gives promises and covenants to allow people to relate to him.

vs 9-10

Again, we are seeing God's faithfulness to his people and his promises. I think there's a pattern here. Although we can't be sure at this early stage exactly what Stephen is getting at, we will always see God's faithfulness if we trace a line through his history of dealing with people.

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