Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Psalm 19

vs 1

It's an interesting thought to think that if you look up, you will see a thing that shows the marks of its creator, and just how glorious that creator is. I think people have always had a fascination with clouds, and stars, and lightning storms, and sunsets and the like. David sees past that stuff, which is already so awesome and grand that many cultures worshipped it, and sees chisel marks on it, showing to him that it's been created.

I'll admit I don't look that hard. I find the concept more interesting than its practicality.

vs 2

This is one of those psalms that some people use to back up their idea that you can really tell the future with stars, that God has placed in them a mystical message , even the gospel message, up in the sky for everyone to see.

Personally, I think if you read these verses as saying any more than verse 1, then you're going to have problems. It's poetic repetition of an idea. Vs 1 says "declare the glory" and "proclaim the work", vs 2 says "pour forth speech" and "display knowledge". We're still on the same topic.

vs 3

Lest anyone think David is talking about actual words, this verse should sort them out.

vs 4

This is the whole point about a natural theology - that it is equally available to everyone. The message that David is attributing to the sky and heaven is one that everyone looking at sky and heaven should see and understand.

Now David wants to get a little more specific and poetic - the sun, as mighty and uncontrollable by man as anything, is given a place to sleep by God.

vs 5

I'm not quite sure what a bridgegroom and a champion have in common - eagerness to go out? So the sun is eager to come out every day?

vs 6

Doubly so in the Middle East.

vs 7

Ok, what now? I mean, we've made a pretty startling jump from natural theology to the statues and law of God. Now they're not written on the sky.

But David perhaps is relating the glory of natural theology to the perfection and refreshment of God's specific revelation through his Law. As much as you can trust the sun to tell you about God, you can trust the Law to do the same.

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