Saturday, April 04, 2009

Deuteronomy chapter 17

vs 11

The priests then have an authority both as judges and as teachers. Their words should be seen not just as decisions made for the sake of justice, but words of wisdom imparted for the sake of your learning.

vs 12

If only this rule existed in the classroom - I'd have put at least three students to death by now, and I can't think of a better way to enforce rule of law at present.

vs 13

God so obviously uses fear! And yet I feel like my hands are tied in doing so in a classroom. That reminded me to send an email.

vs 14

The fatalism with which these words are written is astonishing. God actually establishes laws concerning kings, even though this has probably not yet entered the minds of Israel. If you believe that God never wanted a king to rule over Israel, then you probably think this is a gracious law, like having laws for divorce. If you think God's plan was to have a king, then this is obviously not so much a problem.

vs 15

So when Israel decides to have a king, they only have one choice - a king God chooses. And that will only be an Israelite. Israel is to value its independence, and never to become a vassal to another state.

vs 16

Don't rely on horses for you military, rely on God! I wonder how God feels about Israel buying tanks and helicopter gunships from the USA?

vs 17

All wise things to put in place for a king to follow. Of course, somehow this book gets lost, and so these things all get done by Solomon. He can't plead ignorance though - God gave him wisdom!

vs 18

This is never recorded as having been done. Not even by David, I don't think. Imagine the difference it might have made.

It occurs to me, then, that so many of these laws never see effect on a country-wide scale. So we can't really judge Israel by these laws, because as a whole they were never even trialled.

vs 19

I have stopped doing my daily readings because I pretty much rush out of the door every morning, and I have so much class stuff to do when I get home. And I can feel the difference in not having it there. I just don't know where to fit it in though. It's one thing I look forward to when prac finishes. That and not having to teach anymore.

vs 20

No-one should consider that they could do something "better" than the way God plans things. That's just stupid. God even makes it clear that those kings who follow his rules will reign for a long time. So the alternative is fairly obviously implied.

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