Thursday, April 30, 2009

Deuteronomy chapter 25

vs 11

This is one of the more painful ways to break up a fight. What I can't work out is who she is grabbing - the assailant or the husband. I'm guessing it's the assailant? In any case, it is a particularly specific case, this one - if you whack the guy on the back of the head with a lump of 4x2 you will be fine. Just don't grab the happy sacs!

I wonder if the principle of this verse includes kicking or otherwise inflicting harm on the manhood?

vs 12

There isn't a lot of cutting off of bits in the OT law. It's something I think is quite remarkable, really. But it also makes this specific law quite remarkable. Why is it such an offence? Because it was a woman interfering with a strange man's mummy-daddy button? Is it because it is specifically the reproductive organs, and permanent injury may result? It really is quite specific.

vs 13

We move on to financial cheating now. Since all dealings were done with weight, you have to use the same fair weight for everyone. No having "mate's rates weights".

vs 14

Fluid things were measured rather than weighed, but it's the same principle I say.

vs 15

If you're already trading in something to the extent that weights and measures are required, then surely you're going to make a fair price for it anyhow. Why do you need to rip people off? But that's not the reason given. God is the reason. Honesty is important to God.

vs 16

Dishonest dealings are not reflective of God's dealings with Israel. So for them to go on and deal unfairly with each other, or with people outside of Israel, would be grossly disrespectful of God.

vs 17

They attacked Israel, if you're having trouble remembering.

vs 18

There you are, Moses makes it clear what part he wants remembered. Not only did they attack the weary, those lagging, but they also had no fear of God. Two bad things there.

vs 19

Except for it being in Deuteronomy right here. But of course, that's if you read 'name' literally. Think of name as a symbol of power, and you realise that Amalek's name will be blotted out, as it will be crushed to powerlessness.

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