Sunday, January 25, 2015

The Hidden Kingdom Mark 4:1-34 Prayer 18/1/15

Heavenly Father,

We live in a complex and complicated world. You have created a universe so vast we can scarcely comprehend it. We are amazed by the enormous variety of colours, shapes, sizes and numbers of things that you surround us with. Even thinking about the number of people on earth, and the huge resources that it takes to provide for them, is phenomenal. And yet you provide for us, and even for all the animals that live on earth too. Amazing.

You are a mysterious God in many ways.  There are so many things we don't understand, so many secrets that life holds. We do not understand the depths of the universe, but nor do we even fully know everything about the world we live in. There are mysteries even about the simple things of everyday life.  We thank you that you have control over all things, that you are at work in so many miraculous ways that we can't even see. You know everything there is to know, and we are glad you are in charge.

We also thank you that you let us discover so many new things, and that all the time people are making new discoveries about the world we have lived in for so many thousands of years. New animals, new cures for disease, new corners of the oceans, new things in space, new technologies for doing things that our grandparents would never have imagined.  We also thank you that you reveal to us things that we specifically do not know.  We thank you for education, for the ability to learn, and for those who dedicate themselves to teaching us. And we thank you for your precious word, contained in the Bible for us. We ask that as we continue to read it, you will continue to reveal more about yourself and your plan to us, and that you will build our faith in you, so that even when we don't know, we will trust that you have everything in hand. We pray for those who instruct us in your word, that you will give them all good things. We pray for Nick as he preaches to us tonight.

We thank you for the recent revelation about our new minister, Martin, and his wife Jasmine. Please be with them as they bring their ministry at Balmain to an end, and give them whatever they need to start here with us at Waitara fresh and motivated to serve you. We also thank you that the commendation service for Bruce and Heather Stanley went well at Eastwood church. We thank you for leading them in your will, and pray that you will use the Stanleys powerfully at that church, and bless Eastwood through them.

We pray for those who are struggling through sickness, financial difficulties, or other problems that make life hard.  We don't always understand why we are suffering, and we can have an expectation that you should make things better.  In those times, help us to remember Christ Jesus, who has shown the power to fix all of our problems.  Give those who are struggling through difficult times a strong faith in you, and a firm foundation on Christ, the forgiveness of our sins, our unbreakable relationship with you, and our assured place in heaven for all eternity.

It is by the authority of Jesus, and as his brothers and sisters, that we pray all these things.  Amen

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