In fairness, while to Jesus this is the last few hours before his betrayal and death, to the disciples, it is the night after the Passover feast, they've had a big meal and an emotional time, and probably only half-believe that anything bad is going to happen. So it's hard not to sleep!
vs 38
Ahhh, such a classic line, that gets used so often now in a sexual context. Still, Jesus is keen or their prayer support - he obviously values it.
vs 39
So if you think repetitive prayer is useless, Jesus does it. Of course, he could be doing it for comfort as much as anything.
vs 40
Obviously he woke them up, or else all they would have said was, 'snoooooore'. What do you say when Jesus comes up and finds you sleeping again?
vs 41
A third time, and Jesus tells them that there's no more time for sleep. Now they're going to see why they should have been praying.
vs 42
He had been talking about being betrayed, but now here the betrayer comes in the flesh, and all of them are going to see - including the betrayer.
vs 43
Uh oh. Mob justice. And at the head of the mob comes Judas, whose name forever is linked with betrayal. Mecha ouch. The thing with mob justice is, see, even if it turns out that they shouldn't have done what they did, the person they killed doesn't come back to life.
vs 44
Because obviously, not everyone knew what Jesus looked like. It's not like he was on TV.
vs 45
And there you are, the kiss of death. Bad man, Judas.
vs 46
With an inside man, the mob didn't have to worry about a whole, "I'm Spartacus" type event happening. Best not to crucify all 12 of them.
vs 47
After all, this mob was arresting Jesus! Someone has to do something! I mean, it's a frustrating and tense situation. It's kind of incredible this doesn't just explode into a melee at this point.
vs 48
But Jesus knows that he can open his mouth and bring some order. And so he does. The whole fact of them bringing torches and pitchforks is, as he shows, a picture of just how unjust their actions are. They have stirred up hate against him, and they're going to use that to get rid of someone they don't like. It's terribly unjust.
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