Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Mark 15

vs 1

They allowed Jesus to be beaten up a little while they were making their decision.

vs 2

"You have said so," is not really an admission. This is quite different to the, "It is as you say," of the NASB. Jesus is not making it easy.

vs 3

You know, while they are there. Blasphemy probably was not going to cut it for a Roman governor. They needed a good reason.

vs 4

Of course, Pilate's day would have been a lot easier if Jesus just said, "What they say is false, I can prove it, let me go now," but the point is, even if he said nothing, there was no proof open to charge him with death. Also, Jesus had been beaten a fair bit, remember.

vs 5

And so Jesus did say nothing, keeping his apparently God-given right to silence.

vs 6

This is how the Romans ingratiate themselves to the local populace, by freeing prisoners who they know are probably only partly guilty anyway.

vs 7

Okay, so not all the prisoners are victims of imperialism. Some of them are murderers.

vs 8

The asking was probably all part of the custom. I have nothing to base this statement on except feeling. Perhaps the people were stirred up this year by the priests to ask, because the priests were pre-empting the crowd. That just doesn't feel right to me.

vs 9

Which seems a fair question, if he is their king, after all.

vs 10

And see, Pilate knew why Jesus was on trial here - or had been on trial and found guilty. Pilate didn't want to be involved in this stuff. He probably also knew that Jesus was pretty popular, and might have been appealing to the crowd who he thought loved him. But crowds are fickle - if Jesus' closest disciples fled from him, the average person on the street who loved him when he was free probably feels utterly disenchanted with him when he is arrested and held by the Roman authorities they hoped to watch him tumble.

vs 11

Of course, release the murderer guy! Free Hat!

vs 12

So if they want to release the murderer, what do they want to do with the guy who healed their sick?

vs 13

Oh, yes, of course, crucify him. Mobs are so logical.

vs 14

And this is what happens when you try and reason with a mob. They just shout louder.

vs 15

The thing about mobs is, though, they cause trouble, especially to occupying Roman governors. Pilate couldn't have a riot, it would make him look bad, and he might have to kill a lot of people. That's never good.

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