Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Luke Chaoter 1

vs 31

Woah! That's big news. I mean, it's one thing for an old woman to have a child in her late years. That's miraculous in itself. But for a virgin to have a child is just out there.

Or is it? There are lots of these mythical "virgin births" surrounding religious type figures around this time. I don't even think Jesus is the first. So, does that mean that, after introducing his gospel as being an orderly account with lots of eye witnesses and stuff, Luke is now just adding some myth in to make Jesus sound better, to make him sound like one of the many other god-y figures that was born of a virgin?

Or, is it possible that God decided his Son would be born of a virgin, because that would really mark him out as a King of Kings and someone special? Remember, this is possibly also the result of a prophecy of the OT.

Oh yeah, name him Jesus.

vs 32

Ok, so far, although it sounds cool, there is nothing new here. God has promised to extend David's throne forever, so a new king is great news, but expected. The title "Son of the Most High" is pretty special too, but by no means unique. Certainly some prophecies coming true here.

vs 33

Again, even the forever and never-end bits are great, but not new. We read them as "WOW" because we know Jesus is eternal, but you could have heard them as a Jew and thought another king was coming. Still good, but not quite "wow".

vs 34

Fair question. Just to be fair, though - Zechariah asked the same question, and was struck dumb. Mary asked the question, and was struck pregnant. Hmm, ok, I guess they're even.

vs 35

The Holy Spirit coming upon someone is pretty special, but still did happen in the OT plenty. However, overshadowing by the Most High I think is unique. This ensures that the child can be called the Son of God.

vs 36

The angel gives Mary this news so she knows that there is miracles happening around the place, that something big is happening, and she's a part of it, and so's her relative Elizabeth.

So John the Baptist is six months older than Jesus. But he gets right into ministry - Jesus carpenters around for a while.

vs 37

Well, apparently not.

vs 38

And she accepts it pretty well. In fact, she hopes it's true! Surely she saw ahead the possible shame of being pregnant as a virgin, of not even knowing who the father was (saying "God" is going to get you stoned to death, mind), and being damaged goods for the rest of your life. But it's God's will, so she still wants it. Good on her.

vs 39-40

Since she's preggers, and she's heard that her relative Elizabeth is too, she rushes off so they can get together and talk baby stuff. And probably God-miracle-baby stuff. You think that's easy to organise a baby shower for?

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