Thursday, May 31, 2007

Luke Chapter 6

vs 1

Sounds like the thing to do, if you're hungry.

vs 2

Now, here's the thing - Jesus and his students are walking through a field. Where do these Pharisees come from. Do the pop up from behind stalks of grain? Were they following him? If so, isn't walking that far too much work on the Sabbath?

Perhaps that's a more recent idiot development in Sabbath rules. Regardless, their popping up is somewhat disturbing.

vs 3

Which of course they have - they're Pharisees. So this question is somewhat of a tease.

vs 4

I guess the unspoken post-script is "And he didn't get struck down and instantly die, which is what you would expect if someone did that". I think the idea is that because he's king, he's allowed to do such things.

vs 5

And so, just as David was king, Jesus is king over the Sabbath. Now, notice that Jesus isn't recorded as eating grain himself, but the Pharisees did say 'you' which, even if plural, would still indicate Jesus as being included.

vs 6

Interesting of course that you're allowed to teach on the Sabbath. I mean, how is that not work?

vs 7

So healing on the Sabbath is a sin, but teaching is fine? Bloody hypocrites! No wonder they were such losers.

vs 8

Jesus has a point to make, and he's not afraid of doing it in front of everyone. I mean, he could have waited till after the service, and healed the guy in the back alley. But he didn't. Because the Pharisees were simply wrong, and he's going to use the blessing of healing to show it. Why would God bless a healing against his will?

vs 9

Now the thing is that God doesn't give us reasons for all of his laws and rules. To be honest, sometimes you've just got to say "Ok God, I don't understand, but I'll do it". That's part of faith. But if we only know part of God's will, then we're always going to be limited in how well we can serve him. That's why the first promise of Romans 12 is that you will get to know God's will better. And God's will is not for us to hurt people, or leave them hurting. No one is going to stone you for saving someone's life on the Sabbath. They will stone you for adultery, not for sleeping with your wife.

vs 10

And so Jesus does heal him. Brown materials - prepare to hit fan!

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