Friday, June 22, 2007

Luke chapter 10

vs 1

So this would include places in Samaria, probably? Hard to say. Regardless, it's a lot of people. 36 teams. You get the idea that this all happened in one day, when you read it so fast. But obviously this took a fair while. Weeks, perhaps longer?

vs 2

It's weird, the first thing he tells the people he's sending out to do is pray that God will send people out. I guess this shows that Jesus wants them all to rely on God for everything, even the provision of the work being done.

vs 3

You get the idea that lambs among wolves wouldn't last long. As much as it describes the world, it also describes how the 72 are meant to be. Jesus could have said "I am sending you out as hunters among wolves, go kick some ass", but he didn't.

vs 4

The not taking stuff is similar to the 12 being sent out. But the not greeting anyone along the road? What's with that? I'm guessing that it means "focus on the job I'm giving you, so go do that, don't get distracted along the way".

vs 5

I can't say I do that, but then, I don't think I need to. I'm not one of the 72. That doesn't mean that this attitude isn't a good model. It does mean we shouldn't take it too far.

vs 6

What now? Makes it sound like some sort of transferrable thing is going on here. It sounds like your peace leaves you when it infects this other person, which is weird. But you get it back if they don't get it?

vs 7

Now it just so happens that the culture of the time necessitated that strangers to the village were welcomed with hospitality. Why didn't Jesus want his people moving around? Wouldn't they meet more people that way? Well, apparently it doesn't matter - Jesus gave them instructions to be a blessing to one house.

Their work is worthwhile, whatever it is they are doing - they are worthy of the wages of a hospitable stay. Remember, no TV - roving speakers were accepted and could make a living if they had something worth listening to.

vs 8

And the same thing goes for a whole town. Take what you're given.

vs 9

Here is their job description. So do they really only tell the sick people the message? That seems to be how it's worded, doesn't it? Well, that's what they were told to do, so they do that. Seems a little odd, but hey, I guess you'll get plenty of attention that way.

vs 10-11

Remember, Jesus was just not-welcomed into a town in Samaria. Sucks to be that town. But it's the same for these people - you don't hang around if they don't want you - you go to somewhere that they do want you.

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