Monday, June 04, 2007

Luke chapter 6

vs 41

I flowery way of saying "Don't be hypocritical".

vs 42

Specifically about making criticisms, even useful, helpful ones, about someone else's situation before trying to correct your own situation. Not that it doesn't say don't try to help people! And in fact, if I were to say to most people "help yourself, then help someone else" they would say that is selfish. But that is exactly what Jesus says here. We must rid outselves of hypocrisy before we can help others.

vs 43

This begins a mini-discourse about a person's moral standing being obvious from their words. It's something we shy away from, because we don't like judging people (because Jesus says don't judge). And yet we pray regularly for discernment, which is basically good judgement. So I think we need to make a distinction between judgement and good judgement. I think this is the good kind.

Anyhow, Jesus is making this statement by talking about fruit.

vs 44

"Each tree produced fruit according to its kind". Very biblical, Jesus!

vs 45

The language here again is quite poetic, but the message is clear - that people have either good or evil stored up in their heart, and whatever overflows out of their heart comes out their mouth. So hence you can tell.

What do you do with that information? Apparently, you don't judge people.

vs 46

Good question! Why do we do that? I think we at least have the cop out that we don't have Jesus right in front of us. Of course, we've got the Holy Spirit inside us, so that's, if anything, even more confronting.

vs 47

Of course, what he means is he will tell another parable.

vs 48

Built on firm foundations. Now, what does this mean? It doesn't mean people who put their faith in Christ have strong houses. Does it mean that the man who builds his faith on Jesus and does what he says, his faith will not be shaken? I don't think so, actually. I mean, everyone's faith gets shaken occasionally. Why don't we look at what happens to the other guy's house first.

vs 49

Unless he built a houseboat.

Ok, so one person's house gets destroyed by a flood, and the other doesn't. One hears Jesus' words and ignores them, the other does what he says, that is, believes and acts. Like I said, I have trouble thinking that it's the person's faith - One stands firm in his faith, the other's faith gets destroyed? Again, I don't want to be too allegorical, but I think there's something in the picture of a flood. I'm thinking judgement of God. I think what Jesus is saying is that if you want to survive the judgement of the end times, don't just call him "Lord, Lord", but do what he says too. Then your place in heaven is assured in the times of coming wrath. If not, well, you're not going to be so lucky. That's what I think anyway.

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