Friday, June 08, 2007

Luke chapter 7

vs 31

Jesus now feels like making some social commentary. So he does.

vs 32

Note the two divergent types of music that are being played, and yet the response is the same - no response. You'd think someone would either want to dance for joy or mourn. But there is, in fact, a huge majority of middle-roaders who are plain apathetic and don't want to do either. They want pop music, which is baby-baby-basically meaningless.

vs 33-34

So it is with John the Baptist and with Christ. One sings the song of mourning, and people don't want to hear it. One sings the song of joy, and they don't want to hear it either. And so the attractive song is not the one which tells you you're a sinner, and it's not the one that offers you entrance into the kingdom of God for the biggest party ever. No, the song that hits number 1 on the charts and gets played on all the radio stations is "just don't care too much one way or the other".

vs 35

Does does Jesus mean that wisdom is proven by all who follow it, or by all the "children of wisdom" being wise thoughts and decisions that work? Not sure. I think the second one is more likely, because like I say, most people prefer apathy fm.

vs 36

Pharisee, tax collector, Jesus wasn't picky. Food was free.

vs 37-38

You get the feeling that this was not a daily occurrence. It's a lot of tears, not to mention washing feet with hair. Washing someone's feet was normal enough, but this was not the typical way of doing it. Someone kissing your feet probably wasn't entirely appropriate either.

vs 39

How you can tell just by looking at someone that they are a sinner is quite novel. But we can assume she was known in the town. And yet again, people have to learn that they shouldn't talk to themselves in front of Jesus.

vs 40

And now he's going to get a talking to. I don't think, from his response, that he knew what was coming. It's gonig to be a sort of disciplinary parable.

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