Friday, September 28, 2007

Luke chapter 24

vs 11

And because, well, you know... they were women!

vs 12

Peter thinks that even if there's a chance that the women can be trusted, it's worth checking out. It's interesting how different this report is from John's report. Just little differences, but still interesting. At the end of this verse, Peter is still wondering what has happened.

vs 13

Why were they doing that? I guess because they have lives outside of being disciples, visiting family or something. Either that or they thought it wasn't safe in Jerusalem.

vs 14

Which would seem a reasonable topic of conversation for such a trip. Just imagine, for a moment, how long it takes to walk 7 miles, and the conversation you could have over that distance. I like taking little trips down "this-is-how-the-culture-was-different" lane.

vs 15

What an interesting place for Jesus to turn up - on the road from Jerusalem to Emmaus, approaching two of the disciples who aren't with the rest.

vs 16

This is such a mystery, but for the moment we can just assume it's God powers doing the preventing. It doesn't really matter how it works. It's what happened.

vs 17

This is such a God question - I mean, there's never really a point to God asking a question, because he knows all the answers. I'm pretty certain post-resurrection Jesus knew what they were talking about. Especially because they looked sad.

vs 18

Who is Cleopas? Some well known disciple we assume, who can't believe that anyone in Jerusalem wouldn't have heard about the whole Jesus ordeal.

vs 19

Jesus keeps playing along, and Cleopas talks about Jesus in pretty glowing terms. But I don't think Jesus is asking the questions for the sake of flattery.

vs 20

Which is of course why they are so bummed.

vs 21

Actually, the whole redemption of Israel not happening is probably a bummer too. This comment just goes to show how they have not even remotely tied it all in together.

And it's the third day since this happened (enough time for visitors to not know what's going on in Jerusalem I guess), which has significance for the next thing that has happened!

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