Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Deuteronomy chapter 11

vs 23

It is incredible, when you think about the whole picture together, just how much of God's promises to Israel did rely on their obedience. Some things would only be partially fulfilled otherwise (Israel never claims all the land that belonged to them, not for centuries anyway), other things would happen drastically or immediately (such as plagues or prophets being sent), and some things would just tick like a time bomb (the exile).

vs 24

That's a lot of land, for a people who currently have next to none. And within a generation, they will all at least have some places to live, even if they haven't claimed everything that belongs to them.

vs 25

And the great thing is, of course, that this happens. The fear and terror are there. But fear and terror are fickle, which makes them a good tool for God - he turns them on and off like a tap to teach Israel to trust him, rather than rely on their own strength. They are, after all, attacking much larger nations.

vs 26

The red pill or the blue pill. Of course, these pills they had to keep taking, and they mixed their medicines, just like I'm mixing my metaphors.

vs 27

Just good to clarify that, in case you think the blessings come because of who you are, or because you've been saved out of slavery by God. No, no, these blessings are all about obedience.

vs 28

The curse is very interestingly linked specifically to following other gods. The opinion of a pre-modern people - if you're not worshipping one god, you are obviously worshipping another! They had it right. They knew how it worked. We're the ones that ignore the basic system of worldview and religion, and think that we're so smart for ignoring it!

vs 29

Now if that is not symbolic of the two choices that Israel has to make, then what is?

vs 30

That saves me from having to explain where they are... as if I knew.

vs 31

Well, "about to" is subjective. They have to listen to Moses for a while yet.

vs 32

It's really worth following them now, too. Although how bad can you get, sitting around listening to Moses? Well, if anyone was going to be breaking a law in the middle of a speech about laws, it's going to be Israel.

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