Monday, October 19, 2009

Proverbs chapter 4

vs 19

Foolishness is such that not only do the fools not accept the guidance of God, but then they wonder why they are unguided. This would be more obvious in the western world perhaps if Christians were more countercultural. It's still true of course, but just less obviously so. The west has spent a fairly long time telling itself that things like money or power or prestige are important end goals in life. Christians spend a lot of their time in the west insinuating into the culture. The thing is, we criticise it strongly from the inside, but we don't offer radical and obviously different alternatives, because we want Christianity to appeal to the people we know, I think.

vs 20

It's almost like a verbal tic by now. Or a chorus.

vs 21

Not just in your mind - these words are to be in your heart, helping you decide what you do, but also changing how you feel.

vs 22

Life and health. In case you missed it the first ten times.

vs 23

If you were wondering what 'heart' meant to Solomon, there's a good definition. It is the thing from which everything flows. I think we all know that our brains don't control us in some sort of logical, rational, Spock-like manner. We do things because we feel we should, because it feels right, because we can't stand not to, and so on. This is the heart, and Solomon wants for his sons to guard their hearts because of its importance in life.

vs 24

Mouths are also important. Corrupt speech and perversity shouldn't be on the lips of his sons. I'm not sure whether this is just simple trash talk (yer mum) or suggesting deviousness (let's go rob that guy). I think the first is too simple, and is a mirror of our modern lives where we think this is the biggest temptation someone might deal with. It could be inclusive of both.

vs 25

Obviously not to be taken literally, or else you'll walk into things. Actually, more likely something will hit you. But the idea is to follow the road, don't go looking up garden paths thinking, "Oooh, I wonder where that goes?"

vs 26

Careful, thoughtful consideration is a mark of wisdom. Actually sticking to it steadfastly is another. No good putting in a bunch of thought into a well made plan and then going off half-cocked with crazy improv, as any roleplaying gamer can tell you.

vs 27

This includes, but is not limited to, spontaneously breaking into dance. I kid. It's pretty much a repetition.

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