Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Proverbs chapter 8

vs 19

The value of wisdom is being sung of yet again.

vs 20

And again we see the importance of righteousness and justice in wisdom - these are the ways that wisdom truly works, truly is expressed.

vs 21

There is wealth to be had - don't think that just because wisdom is more valuable than gold that there won't be any gold. Just that you should seek one and not the other - the other will come with the first.

Yes, I know all of this is repetitive. But remember that repetition helps rememberance, and it also marks the importance of an idea. See all this stuff as being double underlined bold 16 point font.

vs 22

Note that even wisdom is subservient to God, though. God creates wisdom, not the other way around. To God, wisdom isn't a set of rules that fences him in. He creates it, fences it in with himself. The world was created with wisdom already intact.

vs 23

Or was it? When does it fit into the six days? See, how literally are you going to read these words? I don't really see the point in it, honestly. It's poetic, and the obvious idea is that wisdom is created and comes from God and has been around since as long as it matters to us.

vs 24

More poetic reflection on the ancientness of wisdom - I think this is trying to suggest that it came early, perhaps even first. So if Christ is the firstborn over all creation, it may be that Wisdom is the firstborn of all creation! Heh.

vs 25

Although the value of something doesn't come necessarily from how old it is, order of creation is important in a way. Humanity is the crowning achievement of creation - Of course, also we needed an earth to stand on. But it would seem that the pre-existence of wisdom was also important to us.

vs 26

Just click this onto the last verse.

vs 27

It's almost Job-esque in the length of the warblings here. I'm sure it's quite pretty - I mean, the pictures painted are nice. And the repetition again points to the importance. But that does mean I don't have a lot more to say on the subject. Just note - wisdom = important.

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