Monday, May 31, 2010

Ezekiel chapter 10

vs 1

I haven't even read the verse yet, but the supplied TNIV heading tells me God's glory is going to leave the temple.

When you're seeing thrones sitting above the ark of the covenant, you can be pretty sure God is involved. That's God's throne right there. I wonder if it being blue is important, or if lapis was just linked with royalty or something.

vs 2

I'm sure we'll learn what this all means in good time. This guy with the scribe equipment is really getting put to work though. Ezekiel's job is to just see it. Scattering fire around a city can't really be a good thing though.

vs 3

This cloud, I think we can infer, is the glory of the Lord. It does that from time to time - fills the temple.

vs 4

This sounds really awesome, right? Except... why is it moving to the threshold? No, God, you've lost your way. The holy of holies is in the other direction. You just go and camp in there like a good little God.

vs 5

That is fairly loud, because the temple is fairly big. I know it's not hyperbolic like, "You could hear it back in Susa" or something, but it gives a picture of grandiose...ness.

vs 6

Now we go back to linen man, who is standing beside a wheel, preparing to get some hot coals.

vs 7

If I have learned anything from angels, it's that you don't want to touch burning coals unless they've touched them first, because then you can generally handle them without a problem.

vs 8

Just in case you were wondering how the cherubim picked up the coals.

vs 9

Mmm, more precious stone. And mmm, more wheels, because we all know what the wheels mean. I like the idea of wheels meaning power, like referring to chariots, but it's so confusing to us we may as well just accept it means something awesome. Especially when blinged out in gemstone.

vs 10

So these are the same wheels from the first vision.

vs 11

These cherubim, and the living creatures before them, really do like to just stick to their one direction, don't they? Always travelling the straight path. I wonder if that is a picture of righteousness? Or just of order.

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