Friday, April 13, 2007

2 Corinthians chapter 11

vs 12

If Paul were to now ask for money, then perhaps these people would have more equal footing. But he's going to continue to not take money, out of love, and that makes him better.

vs 13

Oooh, now this is some strong language. Seems like Paul isn't a fan of these people.

vs 14

Take a swing, why don't you Paul? Seriously, it's obvious that not only are these super-apostles asking for money, but they're also false teachers. Otherwise, Paul wouldn't be quite so pissed.

vs 15

So as far as Paul is concerned, these super-apostles aren't just false teachers, they are serving Satan. Probably not purposefully. I doubt these people are ancient satan-worshippers. Perhaps they are. While Satan masquerades purposefully to trick people, and to some extent these super-apostles do as well, I don't think they're trying to send people to hell, just to make money. But you never know, I guess.

vs 16

Paul isn't being foolish, but even if they think he is, then he can boast a little, like a fool would.

vs 17

So his position is that fools boast the way he is going to boast. But also, I think, that what he's boasting about seems a little foolish at first too.

vs 18

This isn't a great argument - if people (your enemies) are doing things in a worldly way, then I will too. That is a little sarcastic, I think. And you can see from what Paul boasts about that he's not really doing it in a worldly way.

vs 19

Just a reiteration of their allowance to listen to his foolishness, and so hear his point here. But also a bit of a condemnation of their acceptance of these foolish super-apostles.

vs 20

He really goes over the top, doesn't he? But it's true - these Corinthians haven't just put up with foolishness - they have let themselves and their Christian beliefs be chewed up and spit out by these false teachers. And they gave them money for the privilege!

vs 21

Paul says tongue in cheek. What he really means, of course, is that even when he's being foolish he's not that stupid.

And again with the foolish boasting thing.

vs 22

Ok, so descendent-wise, Paul is all of them too. Which tells us something about these false teachers being Jews. Interesting.

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