Friday, April 06, 2007

2 Corinthians chapter 7

vs 9

Paul isn't happy because they were made sorrowful. That in itself is not a good end. But as a means to their repentance, it is most excellent, and so that is not harmful.

vs 10

Worldly sorrow is harmful, and if that is what he had caused, he would have caused harm. But sorroy that leads to repentance and salvation is good, and is not to be regretted. Score one more point against the positivists!

vs 11

If they were innocent, why were they sorrowful, and what did they have to repent? I think the idea is that because of their innocence, the accusation of their guilt (and to some extent the reasonableness of the accusation) shows that they were in fact mostly innocent. A truly guilty party may have instead defended their guilt. Or perhaps if they didn't care, they wouldn't have felt guilty.

vs 12

So there we are - even though there were those who did wrong, and Paul was injured, the point of his letter was to show the Corinthians just how much they really did care for him, but showing them what had happened and that they would be sorrowful for it.

vs 13

Not only was Paul encouraged by the turnout of events regarding that letter, but also at how happy Titus was with how he'd been treated in Corinth.

vs 14

Even though they had hurt him, Paul still boasted about the Corinthians and how good they were. And so it has turned out that he was right about how good they were. But before they get a big head, Paul also points out that what he said in his hurtful letter was also true.

vs 15

I'm not sure what this means exactly. Why did they receive him with fear and trembling? Possibly because they didn't want to get in trouble after the lashing Paul had given them? Perhaps it's a cultural thing that you accept recognised leaders in such a way so as to respect them.

vs 16

Whatever this means, apparently it means Paul can have confidence in the Corinthians because of it. Which I'm sure makes Paul happy, and is enouraging for the Corinthians too.

Happy Good Friday! Hope yours starts as well as mine did. I even made pancakes that people who can't have milk or eggs could eat! No milk in them, no eggs in them, hardly worth calling them pancakes, but they were actually really nice. Hooray!

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