Thursday, April 05, 2007

2 Corinthians chapter 7

vs 1

So Paul's call to purity comes as a result of the promises of adoption we have from God. It is these promises of adoption, guaranteed by the seal of the Holy Spirit, that should drive us to reverence to God. Why wasn't that a part of chapter 6?

vs 2

You might think this suggests that someone is suggesting Paul has done these things, if not flat out accusing him of them. Paul always seems to be wanting the relationship with Corinth to be closer than it was. It would be great to know the intricacies of that relationship. Oh well.

vs 3

The fact that he could have said it to condemn them makes me think that they may well have accused him of those things (or at least some people within their ranks could have).

vs 4

I'm not sure whether he's talking about mutual troubles shared together, or troubles that have been between them. I think the latter sounds more plausible in the context, but either works.

vs 5

It certainly doesn't sound like Macedonia was all fun and laughs, does it?

vs 6

And now we're back to comfort again. This time, in the form of Titus.

vs 7

And with Titus came the news of concern from Corinth. And that, for Paul, was like a healing salve. I mean, read how they felt about him! In comparison, verse two sounds like a momentary lapse, a bit of rudeness that happens between friends, you know? But care and concern and longing are deeper than that, I think. And this filled Paul with joy, because that's the Corinth Paul wanted to see. Not the divisive, attacky one.

vs 8

Now Paul moves into discussing the letter he wrote to them more directly. He is openly discussing the fact that he caused them pain. And he says that of course he regrets that in a way, but he doesn't regret the result of it. Sometimes people do need to hear things that hurt, sometimes they need to hear negative things. Don't fall prey to the gospel of positivism. It's crap. It's hollow. Relational growth happens more through conflict resolution than almost any other way. The fact is that people who haven't been in conflict can't handle it when it does come up. So then they lash out, or they do something rash and probably far beyond reciprocal for the event in question. So do your bit and hurt someone today!

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