Saturday, April 14, 2007

2 Corinthians Chapter 11

vs 23-26
Paul measures his service to Christ not in wealth and riches, but in suffering. Christ didn't come to earth to get rich, he came to earth to suffer and die for God's sake and ours. And Paul is suffering constantly for God's sake and ours too. And that is a boast he can make. But of course, in a worldly sense, if you boast about suffering, you're an idiot. Paul was not young at this point either! He was anywhere between 40 and 60!

This list also gives us a bit of a portal view into the world of the Christian. Do you think these things only happened to Paul? Or only to the Christian heavyweights who travelled the countryside? No. Any Jewish family who had their son or daughter become Christian would have done the same. Gentile governers would have done the same. A lot of Christians would have faced this stuff. Paul just faced more because of who he was.

And having said that, the Judaizing false teachers probably didn't face it so much - they looked like Jews to the gentiles, and Jews were legal, and they looked like Jews to the Jews, so no or little persecution there.

vs 27

Not only did Paul suffer persecution, but he also suffered from lackings. Just like a lot of our modern missionaries, who are supported by churches, but not always enough. Ok, so perhaps he got robbed and stuff too, but the fact that he only got money from a few churches, and that he turned down the giving of others (like Corinth) means he wasn't exactly rolling in it.

vs 28-29

And on top of all that, he suffers the worries about his churches. For his ministry, for his converts. Yes, God will look after them. But he still has a part to play in their growth and maturity. So he worries about them. And it hurts him. So imagine how this letter and the other hurt for him to write. To have to defend himself against such criticism.

vs 30

And I think he just did that. So even his foolish boasting isn't foolish. Tricky, Paul!

vs 31

Paul doesn't care if they don't believe him (and to be honest, it is pretty unbelievable, isn't it?) but he knows he's telling the truth, and he knows God and Jesus know it too.

vs 32-33

Where is this story going? Find out in the next chapter!

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