Thursday, December 13, 2007

Acts chapter 10

vs 13

Of course, we don't have food laws, so apart from the wierdness of eating a snake or a lizard, we wouldn't find this too phasing. So if you want to know how Peter feels about this, then imagine God telling you that you could suddenly do something that had once been disallowed. And I can't think of anything that I can suggest that doesn't feel completely bogus, so I guess that's how Peter felt. Like perhaps being told we can marry as many women as we want. I think I'd rather eat a snake.

vs 14

And I bet he hadn't either! I mean, growing up in a culture that is geared to serve kosher food probably makes that less difficult.

vs 15

Ouch, that's a bit of a comeback. But he was told by the OT to call it unclean!

vs 16

This message was so important, somehow, that it was repeated three times. But what did it mean? Did God just decide that all food was clean to eat now, and that this was the time to reveal it - just because?

vs 17


vs 18

And Peter, who is on the roof, is like "What the?" One moment he's having a holiday by the sea, the next moment God's telling him to marry a dozen wives (well, to eat weird food) and now there's people knocking at the door. Is it the thought police?

vs 19-20

Peter was in touch! I mean, he's just finished having a vision, and now he's told that the three people downstairs really need him, and that he can't delay! And that he must go with them. This gives Peter the ability to turn up to the door, with these people waiting to meet him, with his bedroll packed, and for the camera to pan in and him to say, "God told me. I'm ready. Let's go." Probably didn't happen that way though.

vs 21

Nope - instead, Peter, regardless of the Spirit's leading, still first asks why they are there. Doubtless he was going to go with them, because God told him to. But I guess he was curious.

vs 22

Can't argue with that. Pretty good one verse summary of the plot so far.

vs 23

That isn't his house, by the way. Cool culture, where you can invite people to be your guests in someone else's house.

vs 24

Wow, Peter has an audience. Probably a fair number too. Cornelius is absolutely sure that whatever Peter has to say is going to be worth hearing.

1 comment:

S51e said...

You should see if you can post links of your bible reading to BibleGateway or something.. imagine the ease in reading then :P