Sunday, December 09, 2007

Acts chapter 9

vs 12

That's a pretty specific vision. Gives the guy's name, what he's going to do. So now God's got to make it happen that way.

vs 13

Ananias wasn't born yeterday. He knows what's going down with Saul.

vs 14

And that, of course, includes Ananias! Not that he's not saying no to God, not even asking why he must do this - only stating to God things that may give him a little concern.

vs 15

Well, that's got to be a bit of a shock to poor Ananias! Now, notice that God's call on Saul is for Gentiles, and also Israel. I never noticed that before.

vs 16

Almost sounds like this is the punishment for Saul running around arresting Christians. But I think it is said in a more fatalistic way - like this is what God has planned for Saul, rather than it's a punishment for him.

vs 17

Well, Saul had seen a vision of it, so I guess he's not going to be totally surprised, but when the guy comes in and tells him what has already happened to him, that was probably something unexpected. Makes him trustworthy though.

Ananias calls him brother. Gutsy.

vs 18-19

Saul would have been pretty much on death's door after not eating and drinking for a few days, but continuing to walk to get to Damascus. So it was either this guy comes and heals him and he accepts the Holy Spirit from God, or he shrivels up and dies.

vs 20

Who I am sure were polite and nice, and constantly wondering if he was going to whip out his letters and arrest them all.

vs 21

Ahh, there they go.

vs 22

Powerful? What does that mean, exactly? It sounds like he's a jedi or something! Or are they just talking about his ability to convince Jews about Jesus as messiah?

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