Saturday, December 01, 2007

Acts chapter 7

vs 41

Not exactly Israel's strongest time as the people of God. In fact, it is all the more shocking for its immediacy after their rescue from Egypt.

vs 42-43

These verses telescope a bit, and that is far more prevalent in Jewish writing than we give credit for I think. I mean, it's not like the Jews were worshipping these gods at that moment under Mount Sinai. But they did end up doing it.

vs 44

Ahhh, the tabernacle. The whole idea was that it would be representative of God's presence with them. But of course, God at Sinai threatened to leave them and let them go without him. So having the tabernacle didn't force God to go with them.

vs 45

It kinda remained in the land until David. I mean, it was still in the land when it was captured by the Philistines.

vs 46-47

And yet God refused him. As great as he was, he was not allowed to build God's temple. We've gone well beyond Moses now, into Davidic history, so we assume that Stephen is coming to a wrap-up.

vs 48-50

Oh so true. He doesn't live in tents built by them either. The fact is that God chooses his presence to be with people or not with people. And what kind of people were Israel?

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