Thursday, January 07, 2010

Proverbs chapter 21

vs 1

So the good graces of a king are really determined by God. Which means it's worth confronting the big wigs, and seeing if God puts you in their good books.

vs 2

So even if we both agree on something, that doesn't make it right. Only God knows what is actually right.

vs 3

Because justice and righteousness are the bee's knees in God's eyes. Sacrifices should be done, but justice and righteousness are of God, and he wants them more than he wants sacrifice.

vs 4

Such pride in yourself, rather than humility before God, is pointless, and only produces rebellion against God. Which isn't healthy. It's in fact deadly. Funny, for all the worry people make about things being carcinogenic, they don't care two hoots about something being sinful...ogenic.

vs 5

Wisdom means planning. Tell that to christian leadership teams. They either do so much planning nothing gets done, or so little that... guess what? Nothing good happens. Oh sure, God blesses everything. But he also tells us to plan.

vs 6

It's not impossible to make money from lying. But people hate it, and most scammers don't last. 60 minutes gets onto them in between punishing people on welfare.

vs 7

Drag them away to jail? To be flogged? To death? Generally, if you have to be dragged there, it's not nice. Even the dentist.

vs 8

Yes, it's a truism, and yes it's also an unjust principle in a way. But we all know it's true - people guilty of crimes are more likely to commit more crimes. That's really all this is saying. It's crazy to ignore it.

vs 9

DO NOT quote this proverb to your wife. Danger lies down that path. The best use of this proverb is to check out chicks before you marry them. Second best use is to see what you can do in your married life to help reduce quarrelling. Third best use is to politely suggest to a friend's wife that perhaps she is making her husband's life difficult, fourth best is to laugh at a friend in his situation using this verse.

vs 10

I just had a friend send me a youtube video of her neighbours fighting. They have been together 17 years apparently (according to the fight, anyway I think). I think they embody this verse well. They attract each other, and they are hell to their neighbours.

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