Friday, January 22, 2010

Proverbs chapter 24

vs 23

Hooray, more wise sayings! It would suck if we ran out at 30 really. I would say this writing style, of groupings, probably suggests Solomon compiled some existing lists, editing them perhaps to make them godly (if they're from non-Jewish sources). Which would also account a little for repetition.

And why not, after all? Surely wisdom loves company.

Anyway, justice is only justice if it's impartial. What a shame our system only works for rich people.

vs 24

You bet they will. Imagine if Pol Pot got away with genocide on a legal technicality, let alone because of partiality of justice. Not a happy situation.

vs 25

When guilty people, especially powerful guilty people, get done for doing wrong, that really makes the world breathe a sigh of relief. It's good to know that powerful people aren't bullet proof.

vs 26

Sweet. I assume they mean nice.

vs 27

I think this might be a simple statement regarding wealth creation - no point having a roof if you have no food. I can see the inkling of a proverb about mortgages here.

vs 28

I'm unsure if this verse is linked to the next one or not. The way the TNIV is set out doesn't give any hints here. If it isn't, then this is about truthfuless. No reason to bring accusation against someone needlessly.

vs 29

Which makes this one against revenge. Revenge really is a useless mechanic - it just causes cycles of violence and hate. Feels good, though.

vs 30

I'll go ahead and assume this is linked to the next one.

vs 31

So basically nothing had been done.

vs 32

I think we might actually get to the wisdom soon.

vs 33

I love this verse. On its own, it sounds like a wonderful, relaxing verse. Then...

vs 34

Bam! Poverty! No rest for the wicked, they say. Sounds like no rest for anyone. Except Sabbath rest, I guess.

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